Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Superordinary or Supernatural

When it comes to healing, do we believe in a God who is superordinary or supernatural? I have thought about both these view points while delving into our healthcare system the past few months. Five surgeries and 4 different hospital stays will make you begin to think about it in depth. For most of us, it barely measures on our blip to care meter. But if we take a few minutes to think about how God heals, we can also think of many other ways that He is Lord over our lives.
Superordinary means that God uses the ordinary means of the world to create healing moments. This thinking says that God uses the current rational mechanisms of our modern world to heal. He has enlightened men and women throughout history to develop medicines, vaccines and ministries of medical compassion. God operates superordinarily when He inspires doctors to use the latest drugs and procedures to heal even the most severe ailments. We call it superordinary because it uses the orderly means and the greatest advances of reason to bring healing to the sick.
Now when I was on that operating table, I believed God was a superordinary healer. He worked His power through the medicines, skills, techniques and compassion of the doctors. My doctor's expertise in baritric ccomplications made them a vessel for his healing grace.
But God is also a supernatural healer. We all know that there are some things which medical science cannot account for. There are terminal ilnesses, missed diagnoses and new strains of viruses popping up all the time. Sometimes there are no surgeries or treatments that will work in a percentage of cases. Sometimes the doctors simply cannot account for the problems. These are the times when supernatural healing is needed. Supernatural healing is healing above and beyond the power and explanantion of the ordinary means of healing.
When I was a young pastor, I was called to the bedside of a child of adoptive parents whose infant was riddled with cancer. There was no hope for survival. I aacepted this and the couple accepted this except for one thing. They wanted their baby babtized then and now. To say I felt inadequate to the task would be a gross understatement. I was slightly less devastated by the diagnosis than the family.
After the baptism was over I comforted the family and went on my way. It was not until a few days later when a test showed a change in the cancer. Doctors were optimistic that they could try a new procedure that could make a difference. That young boy lives cancer free today...and enjoys a completely normal life. I am just as shocked over this miraculous change as anyone else. I didn't hold myself out as a healer then or now, but I have been part of healed bodies, healed relationships and healed faith.
On Sunday night about twenty people gathered at Wesley UMC to pray for me, lay hands on me and anoint me with oil. The Holy Spirt was there and moving. None of them considered themselves healedrs with any special spairitual gifts. They were just friends wanting to pray God's healing into my life. I knew I had received the superordinary healing through the medicines and doctors, but at that prayer service I felt the supernatural power flow through me in a healing way I have never experienced before.
By Momday morning, my ulcer pain had lessened and now is hardly there at all. Next week I will have another endoscopy to see the progress of the ulcers. I fully believe that the test will show significant if not complete healing. When my friends prayed for me with anointing and laying on of hands they became vessels of the supernatural power of God. The power of God to heal despite diagnoses...The power to heal despite unbelievable physical pain...the power to strengthen shaken faith.
I have claimed the healing God has promised me both through His superordinary and supernatural power. I celebrate my healing.

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